A good foot massage is very relaxing and it helps to accumulate less waste than when it is stressed.
But you need to massage the right parts of the foot. And at a moment, it will turn a great pleasure as one of a detox treatment.
There are 3 parts to a amassage session for your foot.
1) Gently massage the whole foot with cream or oil.
Concentrate onto the area of your foot that you want to.
2) Choose to begin from the top and moving slowly to the sole.
3) Repeat what you did at the beginning, sensing on those pain area.
If that particular zone area is painful, not to worry as it shows that you located an organ that need to stimulate.
Continue massaging it.
These massage helps to improve on removal of waste matter. What you need to do is to work particularly onto the area that correspond to the lymph nodes.
By stimulating this nodes, you can accelerate the excretion of the waste deposited there by the lymph fluid.
Another way of stimulating the nodes is to soak your feet into a tub with warm water. It helps to regenerate the flow and filtering waste and toxins.
Happy massaging !